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The National Association of Minority Contractors seeks to strengthen both representation and earnings of diverse-owned construction firms and their employees. NAMC—Atlanta has an especially important role to play. Because Atlanta is a vital hub for diverse-owned businesses—and a place where people want to work—we recognize that nurturing the city’s economic development is critical to advocating for our members and helping them grow.

We do this through our four pillars:

NAMC leaders fighting for access for members


We fight for our members to get a seat at the table by reducing and removing the barriers to full equality that confront minority contractors.

NAMC leaders advocating for equality in construction in Atlanta


We make certain that government agencies and other public and private clients are aware of our unique issues and listening to our suggestions for constructive change. We create a forum for sharing information, developing and maintaining the highest professional standards, and mutual support.

NAMC leaders providing development opportunities for minority construction workers in greater Atlanta


We provide technical and training programs for our members to help them increase their capacity, remedy deficiencies, and position them for future growth.

construction workers in greater atlanta


We foster long-term relationships to achieve repeat contracting opportunities that are mutually beneficial.